Keto Made Easy

We're about to generate the perfect Keto plan for you! Just answer some basic questions.

Keto Made Easy

We're about to generate the perfect Keto plan for you! Just answer some basic questions.


Our recipes are tailored to your dietary preferences


Our app is super easy to use and allows infinite meals.


We only charge what we need to keep our site running.

What we do

At SimpleKeto, we aim to provide personalised meal plans generated by state of the art AI. Our meal plans follow your specific dietary needs and preferences making them invaluable.

Unlimited Meals

Our directory has over 2.3 million recipes that we give you full access too. Generate meals to your hearts content!

Recipes tailored to you

All meals generated by us are generated with you in mind, our system will only show meals that match you and your eating preferences.

Great service

I used to eat out all the time because I couldn't cook, Simple Keto gave me the help I needed to turn my life around and I'm healthier than ever!

- Rita Stewart

Fantastic service

SimpleKeto is a fantastic service that generates great meals, they've really helped me get on top of my health and I can't thank them enough.

- Candice Hill